Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management <p><strong>E-Journal Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen)</strong>: The Journal of Business and Management [e-ISSN 2614-6592] is an electronic scientific journal published online twice per year or once per semester. E-Journal Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management aims to improve the quality of science and channel the interest of sharing and dissemination of knowledge and business for scholars, students, practitioners, and the observer of science in Management. E-Journal Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management accepts the results of studies and research articles which have not been published in other media. Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management is published by The Management Department of Economic Faculty in Universitas Islam Majapahit in collaboration with Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia (ALJEBI).</p> Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Islam Majapahit, Jawa Timur, Indonesia en-US Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2614-7734 <p><strong>Pemberitahuan Hak Cipta</strong></p> <ol> <li>Seluruh materi yang terdapat dalam situs ini dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi situs web ini untuk keperluan komersil tanpa persetujuan dewan penyunting jurnal ini.</li> <li>Apabila anda menemukan satu atau beberapa artikel yang terdapat dalam <em><strong>Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management </strong></em>yang melanggar atau berpotensi melanggar hak cipta yang anda miliki, silahkan laporkan kepada kami, melalui email pada <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Priciple Contact</a><a href="" target="_top">.</a></li> <li>Semua Informasi yang terdapat di <em><strong>Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management</strong></em> bersifat akademik. <em><strong>Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management</strong></em> tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kerugian yang terjadi karana penyalah gunaan informasi dari situs ini.</li> </ol> Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Voucher Diskon dan Shopping Lifestyle terhadap Keputusan Pembelian yang Dimediasi oleh E-WOM pada Live Streaming Shopee <p><em>Using E-WOM as a mediator, this study sought to determine the impact of product quality, discount coupons, and shopping habits on consumers' final purchase choices. This study employs a qualitative technique to provide a descriptive account. Student body of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta that has used Shopee for live streaming purchases. One hundred respondents made up the sample that was determined using the Solvin formula. Samples are collected using purposive sampling, a non-probability sampling approach, in accordance with predetermined criteria. Specifically, PLS in conjunction with the SmartPLS 4.0 software is used for data analysis. This study's findings indicate that product quality influences electronic word of mouth and purchase decisions in a positive but insignificant way, while discount vouchers influence electronic word of mouth in a positive and significant way but purchase decisions in a positive but insignificant way. When it comes to electronic word of mouth, Shopping Lifestyle is neutral or somewhat negative, but when it comes to purchase choices, it's positively and significantly influential. Product quality, discount coupons, and buying habits are the three factors that electronic word of mouth cannot influence.</em></p> Istiana Wahyuningsih Dila Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 7 1 1 18 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3098 Pengaruh Story Telling Marketing, Celebrity Endorsment dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Brand Equity Produk Scarlett Whitening di Kota Rembang <p><em>In the research, the problem, the problem studied is about the influence of story telling marketing, celebrity endorsement, and product quality on brand equity Scarlett Whitening products in the city of Rembang. The purpose of why the researchers take the title is to find out how much independent variables to the dependent variable. In this study the metod the researchers use is accidental sampling as a research. By using this metod the researcher determines the criteria of respondents that can be sample in this research that is anyone who happens to meetthe researcher can be used as a sample. Technique used in this research consist of multiple linear regression analysis, Test T, and coefficient of determination test or R<sup>2</sup>. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that story telling marketing has a significant positive effect on brand equity, celebrity endorsement has a significant positive effect on brand equity, and product quality has an insignificant positive effect on Scarlett Whitening's brand equity.</em></p> Misbakhul Huda Ming Ming Lukiarti Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 7 1 19 29 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3076 The Analysis of the Roles of Muraqabah and Muhasabah as Internal Hisbah Instruments to Enhance Sharia Compliance in Islamic Bussiness <p><em>The research aims to explore the role of muraqabah and muhasabah as internal hisbah instruments in ensuring the consistency of Sharia compliance among business practitioners in conducting their business activities. This qualitative research utilizes a descriptive-analytical approach to examine how muraqabah and muhasabah play an important role as internal hisbah instruments in ensuring consistent Sharia compliance for modern business actors. The data, obtained from various books and journals, is collected, processed, and analyzed to derive conclussions regarding the roles of muraqabah and muhasabah as internal hisbah instruments to enhance Sharia compliance in Islamic bussiness. Muraqabah, as a form of supervision and monitoring, encourages continuous awareness among business people to comply with Sharia principles in making business decisions. In this case, business people must understand, believe, and be aware that every action they take is under the supervision of Allah SWT. Meanwhile, muhasabah, as an in-depth self-evaluation instrument, provides a basis for critical reflection on every decision and business action. This evaluation does not only involve acceptance and acknowledgment of mistakes but also efforts to find solutions and improvement strategies for the benefit of the future. Muraqabah and muhasabah establish a dynamic internal monitoring mechanism, facilitating the enhanced identification of potential Sharia violations and the pursuit of corrective solutions for further improvement to achieve al-falah.</em></p> Dewi Mutmainnah Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 7 1 30 40 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3118 The Effect of Social Security and Career Development on the Work Commitment <p><em>This study purposed to test the influence of sosial insurance and simultaneous careeer development that hadsignificant influence to employee commitmen in PT. Petrokimia Gresik. The variables that are analyzed as affected factor that influence the workcommitmennt were social insurance (x1) and career development (x2). The population in this study was 81 employees and the sample was 81 employees. For data collection technique. The writer used questionnaires, documentation, interview, observation, and statiscal analysis using linear regresaion. Based on the data analysis technique, it could be concluded that there were significant simultaneous social insurance that was influence work commitment on the employees of PT. Petrokimia Gresik Tbk. It could be seen by t-test where the test obtained the significant value on work commitment of the employees in PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Career development and sosial insurance had a simultaneous effect on employees of PT. Petrokimia Gresik. it can be evidenced by f-test where the test obtained significant value. This was intented to guarantee social insurance and career development should be concerned on PT Petrokimia Gresik to improve and support the directness business and target of the company. Thus if it could be noticed and applied in the company, an employee or employees would always give the best work for the company.</em></p> Endri Haryati Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 7 1 41 50 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3077 Identifikasi Kecenderungan Persepsi Investasi sebagai Respon Isu Investasi Bodong Pada Mahasiswa di Universitas Islam Majapahit <p><em>Issues are the basis for forming perceptions because often the issues that develop influence a person's perception. The negative issue of fraud under the guise of investment will of course have a big influence on the formation of investment perceptions. Students are a group that easily accepts issues through intensive interaction with communication media so that students are a group that is quite dynamic in forming investment perceptions. This research aims to analyze students' gender tendencies in forming investment perceptions and to analyze the influence of negative issues about fraud under the guise of investment on the formation of investment perceptions. The research method used in this research was a survey method on 381 students in Malang City. The research was conducted when there were many negative issues surrounding fraud under the guise of investment in 2017. The results of the research showed that investment perception was still quite low, namely the average score was 5.58 or 55.8% of the maximum score. The average investment perception for women is higher than men, namely 5.7. Men's investment perception score is lower, namely 5.36, this shows that women are more interested in investing than men.</em></p> Nurdiana Fitri Isnaini Yuliasnita Verlandes Agoes Hadi Purnomo Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 7 1 51 63 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3129 The Influence of Communication Technology and Internal Market Orientation on Entrepreneurial Marketing <p><em>This examination was directed fully intent on noting the impact of correspondence innovation on inner market direction and enterprising promoting as well as the impact of inward market direction and pioneering showcasing on correspondence innovation at </em>Artomoro store<em> Surabaya. The philosophy of this exploration is illustrative quantitative utilizing speculation testing. This study involves 110 respondents as an example and utilizations the Nonprobability Sampling strategy. The example comprises of customers </em>Artomoro store<em> Surabaya then the information is taken utilizing a poll. The experimental outcomes got that correspondence innovation essentially affects interior market direction with a sig esteem. 0.000. Correspondence innovation and inward market direction fundamentally affect enterprising showcasing with a sig esteem. 0.000 and 0.001 . separately</em><em>.</em></p> I Made Bagus D Fachrudy Asj’ari Bagus Pramudito Wira Yudha Alam Agus Purbo Widodo Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 7 1 64 74 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3131 Manajemen PAD dan Pengaruh Belanja Modal pada Pertumbuhan Bisnis dan Ekonomi Se-Bakorwil 1 Madiun <p><em>This studi aims to test the influence of capital spending on economic accretion mediated by </em><em>Original Local Government Revenue (PAD) in districts/cities in Bakorwil 1 Madiun in 2012 - 2022. Secondary data is realization of capital expenditure and PAD was got from the situs of DJPK. Ministry of Finance RI and regional economic growth with GRDP proxies obtained from BPS for various districts/cities in Bakorwil 1 Madiun. This category of study is quantitative and explanatory approach. The data analysis method usespath analysis. The results of the partial direct influence research show that capital spending has no positive and insignificant effect on regional economic development, capital expenditure has a significant positive impact on PAD and PAD has a significant positive impact on regional economic accretion. The indirect effect concludes that PAD mediates the influence of capital spending on regional economic development.</em></p> Nurharibnu Wibisono Choirum Rendah Istiqaroh Retno Iswati Tatik Mulyati Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 7 1 75 88 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3121 Innovation and Service Excellence in MF Banana Chips Business <p><em>In a business, increasing production and service is very important for business progress through creativity and innovation. For MSME players, being creative in improving product quality, making innovations or new breakthroughs in products and improving services are things that will become strengths and ways to maintain business continuity, which will also help increase sales. As applied by the MF banana chips business which was established in 2017 and is located in Ujung Gurap, Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra, it has succeeded in increasing the business turnover. With limited raw materials, few flavor variants, simple product packaging and mediocre service led this business to innovate. This study aims to determine product innovation and excellent service carried out by the MF banana chips business. This research is a type of qualitative research with data collection methods through interview and observation techniques and using a literature study approach. The results stated that the business owner (Mrs. Fahri) did creativity and innovation in her product, namely changing the type of raw material for banana chips and adding new flavors to her product. In addition, the MF banana chips business also provides excellent service through convenience, speed and hospitality through actions, where previously there were services that were not available.</em></p> Nurhidayah Budi Gautama Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-08 2024-02-08 7 1 89 99 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3104 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Motivasi Kerja dan Pengendalian Internal Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Satpol PP Kabupaten Demak <p><em>The purpose of this study, which was carried out at the Satpol PP Demak Regency, was to ascertain how internal control, motivation, and leadership affected staff performance. Quantitative research methodologies were used for this study. 82 Satpol PP employees made up the sample. Multiple linear regression was performed and used using SPSS to evaluate the data collected through surveys. Regression analysis' findings demonstrate that leadership has a significant impact on worker performance. Since leadership has a greater impact on employee performance than work motivation and internal control, Satpol PP employees require strong leadership from their supervisors. While internal controls, motivation, and leadership all influence how well employee work.</em></p> Syamsul Hadi Andhi Supriyadi Henry Yuliamir Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-08 2024-02-08 7 1 100 111 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3093 Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja dan Risiko Portofolio Optimal Saham Kompas 100 Menggunakan Single Index Model dan Capital Asset Pricing Model Periode 2020-2023 <p><em>The LQ-45 stock index is a reference for investors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) because it consists of industries with large liquidity and makes it easier for investors to sort some shares but represents the total stock market performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in performance and optimal risk of the Single Index Model (SIM) and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) portfolios for the period August 2020 – January 2023. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used is a documentation study. Based on the calculation results, it is found that there are differences in MIS portfolio returns to CAPM, there is no difference in MIS portfolio risk to CAPM, there are differences in MIS portfolio performance evaluated using the Sharpe, Treynor and Jansen methods and no differences in CAPM portfolio performance evaluated using the Sharpe, Treynor method, and Jensen.</em></p> Yonas Ferdinand Riwu Sari Angriany Natonis Klaasvakumok J. Kamuri Yuri Sandra Faah Irience R. A. Manongga Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 1 112 123 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3054 Pengaruh Kompensasi Finansial dan Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Bantul <p><em>There are indications of a decrease in the performance of employees of the Bantul Regency Social Office, which is caused by several factors. This study aims to determine the effect of financial compensation and emotional intelligence on the performance of Bantul Regency Social Service Employees. This research is a quantitative research using SPSS data processing software version 25. The population in this study was all employees of the Bantul Regency Social Office which amounted to 114 people. Eighty-nine respondents became a sample determined using Solvin's formula. Samples were collected using simple random sampling, a non-probability sampling approach, with samples drawn randomly from the population. The findings of this study suggest that financial compensation does not significantly affect performance, whereas emotional intelligence affects performance positively and significantly and Financial compensation and emotional intelligence affect performance significantly and positively together.</em></p> Muhammad Latif Nur Azmi Yunita Fitri Wahyuningtyas Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 1 124 139 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3137 Pengaruh Persepsi Manfaat dan Kemudahan Penggunaan terhadap Minat Menggunakan Layanan Grab Food (Studi di Kota Kendari) <p><em>Technological advances felt by society also have an impact on changes in the transportation sector with the presence of online transportation. With the increasing development of people's behavior, there are additional services available for online transportation, namely online food delivery services. Grabfood is one of the delivery services that is popular with the public, including in Kendari City as the capital of Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research aims to test and analyze the influence of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, both partially and simultaneously, on interest in using Grab Food services in Kendari City. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques in this research used questionnaires, observation and literature. The sample in this research was Kendari City residents who used the Grab Food service and were willing to fill out the questionnaire and numbered 120 people. The research results concluded that partially and simultaneously perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use had a positive and significant effect on interest in using Grab Food services in Kendari City.</em></p> Yusuf Jaya Saputra Sumiyadi Maudhy Satyadharma Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 7 1 140 156 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3149 Pengaruh Brand Experience dan Kesadaran Merek terhadap Loyalitas Merek pada Pengguna Produk Smartphone Samsung di Desa Pelang Kecamatan Kembangbahu Kabupaten Lamongan <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of Brand Experience and Brand Awareness on Brand Loyalty in users of Samsung brand smartphone products in Pelang village, Kembangbahu subdistrict, Lamongan Regency. Analysis of the data that has been collected for this research will be processed using quantitative methods. The population in this study were residents of Pelang village, Kembangbahu subdistrict, Lamongan district, users of Samsung brand smartphone products aged over 17 years. In this research, researchers used data collection techniques using a Non-Probability Sampling system with Purposive Sampling Technique (Sample with Certain Criteria). The sample used in this research was 106 respondents. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 25. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, t-test, f-test and coefficient of determination, previously the results of the questionnaire data were tested for validity and reliability. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded from the two independent variables studied that Brand Experience and Brand Awareness have a partially significant influence on Brand Loyalty. This relationship produces the Multiple Linear Regression equation as follows: Y = 5.913 + 0.257X1 + 0.492X2 + e From calculations using Multiple Linear Regression and a significance level of 5% or 0.05, the calculated F value is 163.301 &gt; from the F table of 3.08 and the significance is 0.000 &lt; 0.05. This means that in this research the Brand Experience (X1) and Brand Awareness (X2) variables simultaneously and significantly influence the Brand Loyalty variable (Y).</em></p> Mahadi Putra Manuel Luluk Nur Azizah Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 1 157 167 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3194 Pengaruh Diferensiasi Produk, Word of Mouth dan Brand Awareness terhadap Keputusan Pembelian <p><em>This study aims to analyze and test the effect of product differentiation, word of mouth and brand awareness on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes at CV. Eka Karunia Motor Lamongan. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study were consumers of CV. Eka Karunia Motor. The sampling method used in this study was purposive sampling of 100 respondents. The data analysis method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis, with the help of SPSS version 23. The results of this study indicate that the variables of product differentiation, word of mouth and brand awareness partially have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. And the variables of product differentiation, word of mouth and brand awareness simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. And the product differentiation variable has the most dominant effect on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes at CV. Eka Karunia Motor Lamongan.</em></p> Awaliansyah Ilham Ramadhani Indira Shofia Maulida Ike Susanti Sutinem Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 1 168 183 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3197 Pengaruh Content Marketing dan Influencer Marketing terhadap Interaksi Konsumen Melalui Media Sosial Instagram <p><em>This research aims to analyze the influence of Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing on Consumer Interaction with Scarlett Whitening Products via Instagram social media. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study was 5,500,000 taken from Scarlet Whitening Instagram followers in general with a sample size of 100 consumers who are consumers of Scarlett Whitening products in Lamongan Regency. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The data analysis used is SMART PLS. This research begins in November 2023 to March 2024. From the results of this research it can be concluded that the Content Marketing Variable partially has a significant effect on Consumer Interaction for Scarlett Whitening products via Instagram Social Media with an Original Sample value (coefficient) of 0.134 &gt; 0.000. T-Statistic (1.665) &gt; T Table (1.64). P Value (0.045 &lt; 0.05). The Influencer Marketing variable partially has a significant effect on Consumer Interaction for Scarlett Whitening products via Instagram Social Media with an Original Sample value (coefficient) of 0.168 &gt; 0.000. T-Statistic (1.777) &gt; T Table (1.64). P Value (0.038 &lt; 0.05). It was concluded from the results of the R Square test that the joint influence of Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing on consumer interaction was 0.586 with an Adjusted R Square value of 0.573. The most dominant variable was Content Marketing on Consumer Interaction with a value of 0.392.</em></p> Adinda Zyadatul Inayah Indira Shofia Maulida Ike Susanti Yuhronur Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 1 184 198 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3199 Pengaruh Sistem Pembayaran Cash on Delivery, Online Costumer Review dan Costumer Rating terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Tokopedia di Yogyakarta <p><em>In conducting research, researchers utilized Tokopedia application users in Yogyakarta. This research aims to determine the influence of the cash on delivery payment system, online customer reviews, and customer ratings on the purchasing decisions of Tokopedia consumers in Yogyakarta. By utilizing the Tokopedia application, sampling in this study used purposive sampling techniques and utilized primary research data conducted by conducting surveys via Google Forms or questionnaires as the main data source with a Likerd scale of 1 to 4. The number of respondents in this study was one hundred and seventeen which were determined. with the Solvin formula. The methodology used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS version 18 application. The technique used in this research consists of multiple linear regression analysis tests, T tests, and coefficient of determination or R2 tests. The results of this research show that based on the results of the t test and f test the cash on delivery payment system, online customer reviews and customer ratings have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions via the Tokopedia application in Yogyakarta. </em></p> Luh Azzula Zamzam Beta Asteria Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 7 1 199 212 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3201 Increasing Green Economic Growth Through Education and Income Levels <p><em>Green economic growth can have a negative impact on poor communities. The green economic transition can cause an increase in energy prices which can have a negative impact on poor communities. The green economic transition can cause job losses, especially for sectors whose supporting materials depend on intensive natural resources. This research aims to analyze the influence of poor people's income with the independent variables being the level of income and education on the affected green economists. This research uses primary data and secondary data. The research results show that people's income has a negative influence on the impact of the green economy. An increase in people's income can reduce the negative impact of the green economy. Education has a positive effect on increasing the growth and sustainability of the green economist program in the Jepara region.</em></p> Nurul Huda Moch Imron Hamdi Sarimaryoni Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 7 1 213 222 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3188 Analisis Strategi Bersaing dan Kapabilitas Dinamis dalam Menciptakan Keunggulan Bersaing pada Perusahaan Jasa Logistik Ekspedisi Barang di Muara Baru Jakarta <p><em>This research was conducted at several logistics companies located in Muara Baru, Jakarta. The aim of this research is to observe competitive strategies and dynamic capabilities in creating competitive advantages in Goods Expedition logistics service companies in Muara Baru Jakarta. This research uses a quantitative approach to collect data through interviews and documents. Then use deductive reasoning to analyze the data. Data collection methods were carried out through interviews, surveys and questionnaires. A descriptive approach was used to analyze the data collected. The results of the analysis show that the dynamic capabilities explained in the previous chapter can be concluded that there is an influence of Dynamic Capabilities on competitive advantage, there is an influence of manager's Skills &amp; Competencies on competitive advantage, there is an influence of manager's Innovative Ideas on competitive advantage and there is an influence of Entrepreneurial thinking on Excellence competitive.</em></p> Abdul Manan Victor Willey Thomas Lucas Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 7 1 223 238 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3050 Implementasi Regresi-PLS dalam Analisis Financial Distress <p><em>There are several factors that affect Financial Distress, namely financial factors and non-financial factors. For financial factors, indicators that can be used include financial ratios such as profitability, liquidity, leverage, and activity that can be seen in financial reports. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the factors that influence Financial Distress in companies listed on the IDX in 2022 in the food and beverage sub-sector using partial least square (PLS) regression analysis. There are only 28 companies that fit the criteria for complete financial reports for the B&amp;F subsector in 2022, which according to the central limit postulate will not meet the assumption of data normality if using multiple linear regression analysis so that the use of the PLS method can overcome assumption violations and the results of data analysis obtained a coefficient of determination of 0.885, which means that the contribution of the five predictor variables can explain the variance in the response variable, namely Financial Distress by 88.5 percent. The predictor variables that have the highest influence on the response variable are Return on Asset (ROA) and Debt to Asset (DTA) with VIP values of 1.345 and 1.226, respectively. By using PLS, violations in the fulfilment of classical linear regression assumptions can be overcome and the model can be used for the purpose of predicting financial distress.</em></p> Sussy Susanti Yunia Mulyani Azis Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 239 252 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3215 Dampak Pembiayaan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) terhadap Return on Asset (ROA) pada BRI Syaria Periode 2019-2023 <p><em>One way the government supports the development of UMKM is by making it easier for UMKM players to obtain capital loan assistance. In implementing this easy financing, the government assigned various banks to distribute it, including BRI Syariah. The aim of this research is to review (1) the growth of people's business credit (KUR) during the 2019-2023 period, (2) return on assets (ROA), and (3) analyze the effect of KUR financing on ROA.</em> <em>Descriptive and verification methods are the methods used in this research, where the data used is secondary data from BRI Syariah financial reports for the 2019-2023 period, as well as primary data through literature study and documentation. The classical assumption test, linear regression, correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination are statistical tools used to analyze the influence between variables, after previously carrying out the classical assumption test.</em> <em>The results of this research show that People's Business Credit has a positive and significant relationship with Profitability (ROA). The correlation coefficient value of 0.654 shows a strong relationship and the influence of KUR on ROA is 42.8%. This research concludes that (1) the development of KUR financing over the past 5 (five) years experienced a fluctuating graph, (2) in line with point 1, ROA growth from 2019-2023 also experienced ups and downs, so (3) KUR financing has a relationship and positive influence on ROA.</em></p> Dede Ropik Yunus Dodi Supriyanto Nurul Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Bisman (Bisnis dan Manajemen): The Journal of Business and Management 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 7 1 253 261 10.36815/bisman.v7i1.3294