Teacher and Students Code Switching in EFL Classroom at the Second Grade of SMA PGRI I Kota Mojokerto


  • Erika Wahyu Novitasari Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Wiwik Mardiana
  • Rini Lindawati Universitas Islam Majapahit


Code Switching, Multilingualism, EFL Classroom


The aims of the study were (1) to describe what code are frequently; (2) to describe what code switching are used (3) to investigated why code switching are in the process of English and learning. In this study, the researchers conducted a research about phenomenon Code Switching in EFL Classroom. Code Switching is phenomenon the result from people used bilingual language or multilingual speaker. In this study, researchers used qualitative descriptive method to support the data researcher used theory Poplack and Hoffman to analyses in the teacher and students utterance at the second grade of SMA PGRI 1 Kota Mojokerto. The subjects of the research were 1 teacher and 19 students. This study used observation and unstructured interview to gather the data. The result indicated that the code are frequently used in EFL Classroom was English to Indonesia or Indonesia to English with 105 utterances. It can be concluded that this study found three kind of code switching there are tag switching, intra sentential and inter sentential code switching. Meanwhile in this study also found a few of reasons occurred code switching in EFL Classroom. There were to clearly meaning, get more attention, the student language, teacher and students proficiency.


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