PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan <p>PRIVE (Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan) is published by Accounting&nbsp; Department, Faculty of Economics, University of Islam Majapahit. This journal is a media of scientific communication in the field of accounting and finance reseacrh which is published two times a year,those are in March and September. There are 15 articles each volume. The topics are&nbsp;Financial Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Finance, Accounting Information System, Auditing, Behavioral Accounting, Management Accounting, Taxation, Corporate Governance, Education Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Environmental Accounting and Ethics Accounting with reference to scientific research standards and procedures established by the editorial board for publication. Manuscript articles can come from researchers, academics, practitioners, lecturers, students and other accounting observers who are interested in research in the field of accounting</p> Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Islam Majapahit en-US PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2615-7314 Determinan Persepsi Mahasiswa Mengenai Penggelapan Pajak dengan Penerapan Teknologi Informasi sebagai Variabel Moderasi <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine the factors that have an impact on students' views regarding tax evasion with the application of information technology as a moderating variable. The sample in this research is accounting students class of 2020 concentrating on taxation at Putra Indonesia University "YPTK" Padang. The selection of students as samples was based on the reason that they represent the future generation of taxpayers. The aim is to contribute to reducing tax evasion behavior, overcoming various practices that deviate from tax obligations. The sampling technique for this research used convenience sampling. Respondents in this study totaled 128 respondents. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with SPSS 26 tools. Based on the findings, it was found that tax justice and tax discrimination had a positive and significant impact on students' perceptions or views regarding tax evasion, but not the tax system. IT as a moderating variable has a partial moderating influence on the relationship between tax justice and students' perceptions or views regarding tax evasion. However, it cannot moderate the influence of the tax system and tax discrimination on student perceptions or views regarding tax evasion among accounting students with a tax concentration class of 2020 at UPI "YPTK" Padang.</em></p> Jihan Latifah Fitri Yeni Putri Intan Permata Sari Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 7 1 1 14 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3144 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR) <p><em>Perumda BPR Bank Jogja is a corporation of Yogyakarta city that supports and encourages the growth of regional economic development as well as regional capital sources that improve the standard of living and welfare of the community. So that financial sustainability is important related to the sustainability of Perumda BPR Bank Jogja in its financial aspect. This study uses independent variables, namely Non Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Asset (ROA) with dependent variables Financial Sustainability. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Asset (ROA) on Financial Sustainability. This research uses the research object of Perumda BPR Bank Jogja which has a mission to realize public welfare in the financial sector. Data is obtained from financial statements. The results showed that the t test on the Non-Performing Loan (NPL) variable was 0.575 and Return On Asset (ROA) was 0.017. The results of the t-test show a significance value of 0.268. The results can be concluded that Non-Performing Loan (NPL) has no effect while Return On Asset (ROA) has an effect. Based on test F, Non-Performing Loan (NPL) and Return On Asset (ROA) have a significant impact on the Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR).</em></p> Bangun Putra Prasetya Arum Iga Ratnasari Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 7 1 15 20 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3192 Financial Sustainability Perusahaan BUMN Sektor Transportasi Laut: DER Sebagai Variabel Mediasi <p><em>The concept of sea toll is one of the maritime transportation programs or strategies implemented by the government in improving inter-island relations and supporting economic growth. So that financial sustainability is important related to the sustainability of the policy. This study uses an independent variable, namely Return On Assets (ROA) with a dependent variable Financial Sustainability with Debt To Total Equity (DER) as a mediation variable. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of Debt To Total Equity (DER) in mediating the variable Return On Assets (ROA) on Financial Sustainability. This research uses the object of research of state-owned companies engaged in sea transportation, namely PT. PELNI and PT. ASDP. Data is obtained from financial statements. The results show that the result of two-tailled probality value is 0.20127969 &gt; 0.05. The results can be concluded that Debt to Total Equity (Z) does not mediate Return on Asets (ROA) to financial sustainability.</em></p> Moh Wahid Bangun Putra Prasetya Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 7 1 21 27 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3191 Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kebijakan Dividen sebagai Variabel Intervening <p><em>The company becomes a measure to assess how well management manages future operational prospects. This</em>l<em> study aims</em>l<em> to examine the</em>l<em> impact of</em>l<em> the Independent</em>l<em> Board</em>l<em> of</em>l<em> Commissioners, Board</em>l l<em>of Directors, and</em>l<em> Audit</em>l<em> Committee on</em>l<em> firm</em>l<em> value with</em>l<em> Dividend</em>l<em> Policy as</em>l<em> an </em>l<em>Intervening </em>l<em>Variable. The purposive</em>l<em> sampling technique</em>l<em> was used</em>l<em> to select</em>l<em> 24 manufacturing</em>l<em> companies in</em>l<em> the food</em>l<em> and </em>l<em>beverage sub-sector</em>l<em> as research samples. The results showed that the</em>l<em> Independent Board</em>l<em> of Commissioners</em>l<em> had no</em>l<em> significant impact on</em>l<em> dividend policy, while the Board of Directors and Audit</em>l<em> Committee had a</em>l<em> significant effect</em>l<em> on dividend policy. The</em>l<em> Independent Board of</em>l<em> Commissioners and</em>l<em> the Audit</em>l<em> Committee have</em>l<em> no significant</em>l<em> impact on firm value, while</em>l<em> the Board</em>l<em> of Directors</em>l<em> has a</em>l<em> significant influence</em>l<em> on firm value. Overall, the</em>l<em> Independent Board of</em>l<em> Commissioners, Board</em>l<em> of </em>l<em>Directors, and Audit</em>l<em> Committee do not show a</em>l<em> significant impact on</em>l<em> firm value when Dividend</em>l<em> Policy acts as</em>l<em> an intervening</em>l<em> variable in</em>l<em> food and</em>l<em> beverage </em>l<em>sub-sector manufacturing</em>l<em> companies listed on</em>l<em> the Indonesia</em>l<em> Stock Exchange</em>l<em> during the period 2018-2022.</em></p> Dea Jenia Winanda Fitri Yeni Putri Intan Permata Sari Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 7 1 28 41 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3150 Pengaruh Kepatuhan, Kecenderungan Negosiasi, Moral Pajak dan Manajemen Laba terhadap Voluntary Tax Compliance di Mediasi Persepsi Kebijakan Fiskal <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze how the influence of taxpayer compliance, negotiation tendencies, tax morale and earnings management on valuntary tax compliance. and how the influence of taxpayer compliance, negotiation tendencies, tax morale and earnings management on valuntary tax compliance is mediated by fiscal policy. The study population is a taxpayer of Small and Medium Enterprises domiciled in in Kenjeran, East Java, the study sample involved 60 respondents using a purposive sampling method, the questionnaire as an instrument and processed using SEM Warp PLS 6.0 approach. The results showed that taxpayer compliance, the desire to negotiate, earnings management has a positive impact on valuntary tax compliance, but moral tax has a negative impact on valuntary tax compliance, taxpayer compliance, the desire to negotiate earnings management in fiscal policy mediation has a positive impact on valuntary tax compliance while tax morale in the mediation of fiscal policy has a negative impact on valuntary tax compliance. The novelty was found that taxpayers are obedient in carrying out their tax obligations influenced by the behavior of taxpayers, not because of regulations, behavior seen from economic, financial conditions by using a fiscal policy approach and conceptual approach based on a developing view of the tax policy.</em></p> Tri Yuniati Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 7 1 42 59 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3198 Determinan Audit Fee (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2018-2020) <p><em>This study aims to identify the determinants of audit fees in real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2018-2020. Using a quantitative approach and linear regression analysis on secondary data from annual financial reports, it was found that among the four independent variables examined—going concern, corporate governance, company size, and audit firm size—only company size has a significant effect on audit fees. Company size influences audit fees due to greater operational complexity, audit risk, and the need for additional services. These findings support Agency Theory and have practical implications for large company management to manage risk and complexity to control audit costs, as well as for auditors and policymakers to consider company size when setting audit fees and formulating regulations.</em></p> Nurul Fachriyah Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 7 1 60 69 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3303 Pengaruh ROA dan BOPO terhadap Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR) di PT BPR Bank Sleman (Perseroda) <p><em>The growing banking sector has made banks an important part of the country's economy today. PT BPR Bank Sleman (Perseroda) is one of the BUMDs in Sleman Regency which was established to improve the welfare of the community through the financial sector. So that financial sustainability is an important thing related to the sustainability of PT BPR Bank Sleman (Perseroda) in its financial aspects. This study uses independent variables, namely Return on Asset (ROA), Operating Costs of Operating Income (BOPO) with the dependent variable Financial Sustainability. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of Return on Asset (ROA), Operating Cost of Operating Income (BOPO) on Financial Sustainability. This study uses the research object PT BPR Bank Sleman (Perseroda) which has a mission to realize community welfare in the financial sector. Based on the results of the t test on the ROA variable, it has a t count of 0.072. Indicates that the ROA variable has a negative and insignificant effect on the Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR). While the BOPO variable has a t value of 0.072. indicates that the BOPO variable has a negative and insignificant effect on the Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR). The results obtained from the F test were calculated at 0.006. This shows that there is a joint influence between Return On Asset (ROA) and BOPO on the Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR) at PT BPR Bank Sleman (Persero).</em></p> Anggun Apriliyanto Bangun Putra Prasetya Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 7 1 70 75 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3304 Pengaruh IPM dan Kemandirian Keuangan Terhadap Financial Sustainability Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta <p>This research aims to examine the factors that influence Financial Sustainability in the Yogyakarta City Government. The factors chosen from a financial perspective are financial independence and a social aspect, namely the HDI or Human Development Index of the Yogyakarta City Government. The research sample used was the HDI and Financial Independence of the Yogyakarta City Government in 2014 - 2022. The data analysis method used was SPSS version 27. Based on the research results, it can be partially concluded that the HDI (Human Development Index) has no effect on Financial Sustainability. Meanwhile, Financial Independence partially influences Financial Sustainability. Simultaneously, the HDI (Community Development Index) and Financial Independence have a significant effect on the Financial Sustainability of the Yogyakarta City Government.</p> Ernawati Ernawati Bangun Putra Prasetya Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 7 1 76 81 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3305 Pengaruh NPM dan Current Ratio terhadap Financial Sustainability pada Perusahaan Farmasi yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2014-2022 <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Current Ratio on Financial Sustainability (FSR) in Pharmaceutical Sector Companies Listed on the IDX. The sample used in this research is 2 pharmaceutical sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2014 - 2022 and using purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis. The data analysis method used is hypothesis testing including the F statistical test and the t statistical test. The results obtained in this study indicate that there is a significant effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Current Ratio together on Financial Sustainability (FSR). Based on partial tests, there is a significant effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM) on Financial Sustainability (FSR). While Current Ratio has no significant effect on Financial Sustainability (FSR) in Pharmaceutical Sector Companies Listed on the IDX.</em></p> Wenti Dwi Tiara Bangun Putra Prasetya Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 7 1 82 87 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3307 Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan Terhadap Modal Kerja Holding Ultra Mikro <p><em>This study aims to test and analyze the influence of company characteristics (financial leverage, operating cash flow, and company size) on working capital, as well as test and analyze the influence of company growth in moderating company characteristics (financial leverage, operating cash flow, and company size) on working capital. This research is a type of quantitative research, the sample used in the research uses a saturated sampling technique, where the sampling technique uses all members of the population as samples. So the number of samples used in this research is companies that are on the ultra-micro holding list, namely PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Pegadaian (Persero) and PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero). The research results show a significant influence between financial leverage (FL), operating cash flow (OCF), company size (size) on working capital. Company growth does not moderate company characteristics regarding working capital.</em></p> Dian Ratnasari Yahya Mar’a Elthaf Ilahiyah Farida Idayati Copyright (c) 2024 PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 7 1 88 97 10.36815/prive.v7i1.3326