Implementasi Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Berbasis Model Nested untuk Meningkatkan Respon Belajar Mahasiswa UNIPDU Jombang


  • Miftakhul Ilmi S Putra


Implemetasi Pembelajaran IPA, Model Pembelajaran Terpadu, Nested Model, Respon Belajar, Mahasiswa PGMI UNIPDU, Jombang


This study was aimed to description the implementation of Science integrated learning with Nested Model to increase student responses in PGMI. Students of 3th semester majoring in PGMI, Unipdu, Jombang, were subjected with the tested learning method. The study was conducted in September-November 2017 with experimental method. Students’ performance was assesed through cognitive tests, observation, and interviews. Results of this study indicate that Science integrated learning with Nested Model to improve students responses. Student responses to Science integrated learning with Nested Model is positive.


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