Analisis Kestabilan Model Susceptible Infected Isolation Hospitalized Recovered (SIIsHR) pada Penyebaran COVID-19
COVID-19, Model SII_sHR, Kestabilan Model, Stabil AsimtotikAbstract
This study aims to find out how big the transmission rate of COVID-19 is. The SIHR (Susceptible, Infected, Isolation, Hospitalized, Recovered) model was applied. This model has two equilibrium points, namely a disease free equilibrium point and a disease-endemic equilibrium point. The stability at the two equilibrium points is asymptotically stable. In this study, the model was simulated using COVID-19 data for DKI-Jakarta Province from 1 January 2021 to 1 January 2022. Numerical simulations with various values of the rate of treatment and self-isolation parameters were carried out to see the effect of these two parameters on reducing the spread
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