WhatsApp as Media in Teaching and Learning English
Perceptions and Challenges in Vocational High School
WhatsApp, Teaching and Learning English, Perceptions, ChallengesAbstract
This research aims to (1) find out the teachers’ perceptions of using WhatsApp as media in teaching english, (2) know the students perceptions of using WhatsApp as media in learning english and (3) describe the teachers’ perceptions of using WhatsApp as media in teaching english. The researchers conducted a Mixed method research. The subject of this research were one of the english teacher and Students in X-JB’s class of SMK Pgri Sooko Mojokerto. The data were collected through Interview and Questionnaire. The results showed that the teacher and students had positive perceptions of using WhatsApp as media in teaching and learning English. Moreover, students experience more active improvement in class discussions and more enthusiastic, but from this good change, there are challenges faced by the teacher. Teacher must be brave against these challenges because we are teachers, whatever challenges we have to face in order for learning to be successful.
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