Assessment, Quizizz, Perspective, Challenge.Abstract
The aim of this research is to describe teachers’ perspective used Quizizz and to identify teachers’ challenges used Quizizz. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher conducted mix method with explanatory sequential design. The subject is English teacher in SMAN 1 Kota Mojokerto. The researcher choose the sample by using purposive sampling which mean that researcher choose the subject of the research based on the experience of the subject and suitable with this research. The data were collected by used questionnaire and interview. The result of questionnaire and interview showed that teacher satisfied and recommended a Quiziz as assessment tool which mean teacher has a good perspective of Quizizz. Furthermore, teacher also got challenges when used Quizizz. The challenge is the transition from paper and digital, internet connection, and the teachers’ trust to the students. Therefore, the teachers’ perspective of Quizizz as assessment tool is have positive perspective and also the challenges is the transition from paper to digital, internet connection and trust of teacher to the students. From the result above, the researcher hope that this research can be reference and contribute in the English education.
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