The Use of English Song in Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners
Media, Song, Vocabulary, Young LearnerAbstract
The aims of the study are to know the use of English song in vocabulary teaching of young learners and to know the students’ response toward English song in vocabulary teaching to young learners. The approach of this study was descriptive qualitative. Observation checklist, questionnaire, and interview were used as the instrument to elicit the data. The subjects of this study were kindergarten B students at PAUD ASSALAM in Tarik Sidoarjo. In the data analysis, the researchers were analysis the information gained in the observation checklist and filling in the checklist. The researchers also used field notes to gave explanation. Almost of young learner get bored easily, therefore the researchers used songs to teach vocabulalry in the class. The results showed that there were positive responses from the students by using English song in vocabulary teaching. This suggests that songs are right media that can used in teaching vocabulary to young learners.
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