English for Specific Purpose Syllabus for Nursing Student’s at STIKES BINA SEHAT PPNI Mojokerto
Syllabus, ESP, Nursing StudentAbstract
The aim of this study is to describe the syllabus from English lecturer in the class of nursing students STIKES BINA SEHAT PPNI has represented the students’ need or not. This research used Mix – Method. There were two ways data used to find the question of the study, first is NA questionnaire data, second is interview data. The result of the study showed that Nursing students are think they will need for global competitions in ASEAN 2025. 78% chose to agree that ESP is applied in D3 Nursing study program, but Syllabus made by lecturers still cannot be said 100% using ESP approach, material used by lecturer is not 100% using the medical terms. There are some English materials out of the rules of health terms. Some material that is not in the syllabus is also taught. But the lecturers make syllabus also follow the rules of the head of study programs itself. Study program policy adapts to the vision mission of D3 Nursing study program which focused on their mission vision of “Professional Critical Nurse in ASEAN 2025”
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