The Implementation of Adragogy Approach in Writing Activity for the First Grade Senior High School Sudents
Writing Activity, Andragogy Approach, Senior High School Students, Qualitative ResearchAbstract
The aims of this research were to describe the implementation of Andragogy
approach in writing activity at the First Grade of Senior High School Students and
to find out the students response in learning writing using Andragogy approach.
The researcher conducted a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this
study was the First Grade of SMAN 1 Puri, Mojokerto. The data were collected
through observation, interview and questionnaire. The data were analysed
through descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known
from the students activity in writing activity teacher implemented three
assumptions of andragogy approach well and used appropriated media
(worksheet) in learning activity. Teacher conducted fifteen from seventeen
learning activity which categorized very good. The result of students’ responses,
students has shown that learning by using andragogy approach can help students
in learning writing. Students can understand the material which related with
experiences and real life easily. It also can motivate the students to be more active
and creative in learning process. It is supported by the result of students’
responses got average 82,4%. It means that has a positive response.
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