The Need Analysis of Supporting English Material for Accounting Students at SMK Nasional Dawarblandong
Need analysis, English material, accounting students IntroductionAbstract
The objective of this research was to find out the student needs’ and wants’ in learning English. Needs analysis refers to the techniques for collecting and assessing information relevant to course design. According to Chang (2005:170) the problem of teaching ELT in vocational students are poor English proficiency, their low interest and motivation in learning and passive performance in class. It is important to know what the student's need and want to learn English which is related with their field study, to motivate the student to learn. Therefore, this study aimed to discover what the students’ needs are and want in supporting English materials of the eleventh grade of accounting program at SMK Nasional Dawarblandong. This research used descriptive qualitative research which describes the students’ needs and wants. The data was collected through distribute the questionnaire to 28 students eleventh grade of accounting major. The result of the study showed that the students need English learning which related to their field study that is accountancy which supports their career in their future.
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