The Effectiveness of Using Tongue Twister Technique to Teach Pronunciation to EFL Students


  • Siti Nur Fatimah Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Rini Lindawati Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Wiwik Mardiana Universitas Islam Majapahit


Pronunciation, Tongue Twister, EFL Students


The objectives of this research were to find out the effectiveness of using Tongue Twisters to teach EFL’s Students pronunciation and to find out the students response in learning pronunciation using Tongue Twister technique. The researchers conducted an experimental quantitative research. The population of the study was the Eleventh Grade Students of SMKN 1 Mojoanyar, Mojokerto. The researchers choose the sample by using cluster sampling; there were two classes from the total number of sample. In the first class and second class, there were 32 students. The data were collected through Pre Test and Post Test both of the class and questionnaire just for the experimental class. The result of the calculation statistical hypothesis test that showed tvalue was higher than ttable (4,63>1,68) and the significance level ?=0,05. It could be concluded that there was significant difference in the achievement between the students who were taught using tongue twister in experimental class and students were taught using conventional method in controlled class, The result of the questionnaire of students response by total percentage concluded that the maximum average of students choose strongly agree in the learning pronunciation by using tongue twister, the questionnaire of students response have a positive response from the students, so that tongue twister is one of effective method to teach English pronunciation.


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