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Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2621-9050 (Print), Volume 6 Nomor 1 Juni 2023, ISSN 2621-9042 (Online)
Terakreditasi peringkat 6 berdasarkan SK Menristek/Brin Nomor 200/M/KPT/2020
Muhammad Fakhrurrozy Kudadiri
Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Medan
Received, 14 Maret 2023
Accepted, 14 April 2023
Published, 17 Juni 2023
This study aims to understand how to develop interactive learning media based on Creative
Cube Puzzle and to analyze the feasibility of interactive learning media based on Creative
Cube Puzzle on fable story material by class VII students of Mts Darul Ilmi Langkat. The
subjects of this study were 21 students. This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive
approach. Data collection techniques were interviews and using questionnaires as
instruments for material experts, media experts, Indonesian language teachers, and students.
The results of the study show that: (1) Feasibility based on the Material Expert assessment of
all aspects gets a total score of 65 and if presented by the media gets a score of 93%, this
shows that the media from all aspects is in a very valid category. (2) Based on the evaluation
of media experts, all aspects get a total score of 28 and if presented, the media gets a score of
93%, this shows that the media from all aspects is in a very decent category. (3) Feasibility
based on the Indonesian Language Teacher's assessment of all aspects gets a total score of
72 and if presented by the media gets a score of 96%, this shows that the media from all
aspects is in a very decent category. (4) The trial was conducted at Mts Darul Ilmi Langkat
by 21 students and showed a positive response because the assessment showed a percentage
of ≥ 93%. (3) Feasibility based on the Indonesian Language Teacher's assessment of all
aspects gets a total score of 72 and if presented by the media gets a score of 96%, this shows
that the media from all aspects is in a very decent category. (4) The trial was conducted at
Mts Darul Ilmi Langkat by 21 students and showed a positive response because the
assessment showed a percentage of ≥ 93%. (3) Feasibility based on the Indonesian Language
Teacher's assessment of all aspects gets a total score of 72 and if presented by the media gets
a score of 96%, this shows that the media from all aspects is in a very decent category. (4)
The trial was conducted at Mts Darul Ilmi Langkat by 21 students and showed a positive
response because the assessment showed a percentage of ≥ 93%.
Keywords: Learning Media, Puzzle, Fable.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami cara mengembangkan media pembelajaran
interaktif berbasis Puzzle Kubus Kreatif dan untuk menganalisis kelayakan media
pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Puzzle Kubus Kreatif pada materi cerita fabel oleh siswa
kelas VII Mts Darul Ilmi Langkat. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 21 siswa. Jenis penelitian
ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan
wawancara dan menggunakan angket intrumen ahli materi, ahli media, guru bahasa
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Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2621-9050 (Print), Volume 6 Nomor 1 Juni 2023, ISSN 2621-9042 (Online)
Terakreditasi peringkat 6 berdasarkan SK Menristek/Brin Nomor 200/M/KPT/2020
Indonesia, dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Kelayakan berdasarkan
penilaian Ahli Materi keseluruhan aspek mendapatkan total nilai 65 serta jika
dipresentasekan media mendapat nilai 93%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media dari aspek
keseluruhan berada pada kategori sangat valid. (2) Kelayakan berdasarkan penilaian Ahli
Media keseluruhan aspek mendapatkan total nilai 28 serta jika dipresentasekan media
mendapat nilai 93%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media dari aspek keseluruhan berada pada
kategori sangat layak. (3) Kelayakan berdasarkan penilaian Guru Bahasa Indonesia dari
keseluruhan aspek mendapatkan total nilai 72 serta jika dipresentasekan media mendapatkan
nilai 96%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media dari aspek keseluruhan berada pada kategori
sangat layak. (4) Uji coba dilakukan di Mts Darul Ilmi Langkat oleh 21 siswa dan
menunjukkan respon positif karena penilaian menunjukkan persentase ≥ 93%.
Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Puzzle, Fabel.
The learning process will take place in an
interesting, directed, and in accordance
with what is to be achieved if the learning
process can be created effectively.
According to Hamalik (in Wahyuni, 2016:
100), "Effective learning is learning that
provides opportunities for students to learn
independently, so that by carrying out
learning activities students are able to gain
knowledge from their own understanding."
The independence of student learning is
very necessary in learning that is carried
out in the classroom. Students can carry
out the learning process they want even
though there are several obstacles that
occur, for example students still do not
fully understand the learning given by the
teacher because of the lack of depiction
sources that students need to be able to
master or understand the content of the
learning given by the teacher. These
problems can be overcome by the role of
learning media.
Learning media is one of the important
complements in the learning process.
According to Azhar Arsyad (in Tenni
Nurrita, 2018: 174), learning media is
anything that can be used to convey
messages or information in the teaching
and learning process so that it can
stimulate students' attention and interest in
learning. Therefore, learning media can be
said to be a learning resource that can
assist teachers in enriching students'
insights, with many innovations in
learning media by teachers, it can become
material in imparting knowledge to
students. The application of learning media
can foster students' interest in learning new
things in the learning material delivered by
the teacher so that it can be easily
The word media comes from the Latin
medium which literally means 'middle',
'intermediary' or 'introduction'. According