IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian <div><strong>IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement)</strong> is a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. The first edition was published in July 2020 and we published twice a year (July and December). This journal provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. It is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, implementation, of policy about community engagement. As the name implies, this journal disseminates the issues of community engagement in ASEAN countries regardless of the authors' affiliation. Most of the ASEAN countries share similarities as developing countries, yet it has also a high complexity and a uniqueness in terms of people, region, culture, etc. The issue of community engagement is one of the crucial issues, especially on health, education, and economy. In addition, this journal is supported by the Universita Islam Majapahit (UNIM). The editorial board members are from the indonesian countries accordingly.</div> en-US Thu, 09 Jan 2025 02:13:46 -0500 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Rural Development Strategy Through the Implementation of Desa Sejahtera Mandiri (DSM) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/3682 <p>Desa Sejahtera Mandiri (DSM) aimed at the public welfare. Efforts is a decrease in the number of poor and provision of skills / soft skills. DSM seeks to finalize the number of poor and welfare efforts in 4 villages (Gajahrejo, Sidodadi, Pamotan, and Lebakjabung). This study would focus on the planning, implementation and program goals DSM. The approach in this study is a participatory policy research. Sources of data in this study is LP2M UM, TKSK, the Village, some recipients of the program, the Youth Village, and Pokdarwis / LMDH. The data collection is done by observation, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), and documentation study. The results of this study indicate that become effective DSM programs are programs Livable House photo (RTLH), Business Group (KUBE), and the development of tourism. With the program's target beneficiaries in accordance with the criteria according to the data with social welfare problems (POM). Has built 30 RTLH and formed two (2) KUBE per each village. Therefore DSM targets, still two (2) program which takes place from 9 (nine) achievement of the program. In the field of tourism development has aligned travel concept set.</p> Suprapto Suprapto Copyright (c) 2025 IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/3682 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0500 Developing Students’ Digital Awareness and Resilience in Learning Process https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/3378 <p>This paper reported the result of a seminar to develop students’ awareness of the use of technology in their learning process. The seminar also discussed their challenges in the use of technology for learning and how they dealt with it. The seminar highlighted the importance of good digital literacy for students, especially how they should use it to support learning in appropriate ways. The seminar was carried out by having presentation and participants’ questions-answers for discussion. It was indicated in the seminar that students felt technology made their learning easier, especially in terms of the access to resources. Nevertheless, the ease also became challenges as it gave them opportunity to perform cheating and distract them in learning.</p> Justsinta Sindi Alivi, Hajar Nurma Wachidah, Pipit Sari Puspitorini Copyright (c) 2024 IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/3378 Thu, 09 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0500 PUBLIC SPEAKING ASSISTANCE IN ORDER TO DEVELOP THE INTERESTS AND TALENTS OF STUDENTS OF THE INDONESIAN ISLAMIC STUDENT MOVEMENT, MAJAPAHIT ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY. https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/3684 <p>Public Speaking Training<strong>&nbsp;</strong>is a series of activities designed to improve one's ability to speak in public. This training is very important, especially for students, because good speaking skills will be very useful in various aspects of life, such as presenting assignments, attending seminars, or even having a career. However, many of the current Zero generation have a low level of self-confidence so they need motivation to be active in speaking, conveying aspirations, organising, especially students as the nation's successors. In this mentoring and public speaking training activity, several methods are used, namely needs mapping, material preparation, training implementation, evaluation. The result of this service is that PMII students at Majapahit Islamic University experience an increase in self-confidence, an increase in delivering messages, an increase in mastering the audience and an increase in soft skills that are more vocal and dare to express their opinions.</p> Hajar Nurma Wachidah, Moch. Ichdah Asyarin Hayau Lailin, Ratnaningrum Zusysana Devi Copyright (c) 2025 IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/3684 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0500