IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian <div><strong>IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement)</strong> is a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. The first edition was published in July 2020 and we published twice a year (July and December). This journal provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. It is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, implementation, of policy about community engagement. As the name implies, this journal disseminates the issues of community engagement in ASEAN countries regardless of the authors' affiliation. Most of the ASEAN countries share similarities as developing countries, yet it has also a high complexity and a uniqueness in terms of people, region, culture, etc. The issue of community engagement is one of the crucial issues, especially on health, education, and economy. In addition, this journal is supported by the Universita Islam Majapahit (UNIM). The editorial board members are from the indonesian countries accordingly.</div> en-US Mon, 31 Jul 2023 04:00:09 -0400 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 USE AND UTILIZATION OF VILLAGE INFORMATION SYSTEM TO MAXIMIZE POPULATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATABASES IN PLOSOBUDEN VILLAGE LAMONGAN REGENCY https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/2487 <p><em>Weak archiving systems, </em>correspondence related to services to village communities and the lack of village government regarding population and population data, so this service has the goal of developing Plosobuden Village a village website to facilitate archiving and population administration. The method carried out in the service process is carried out in several stages, namely location surveys, maturation of concepts in the internal service team, asking for input and criticism of village web creations to village officials, finalizing village web concepts and contents internally for the service team, training and assistance in village web operations. to village officials and evaluation. The results of the service show that village officials are very enthusiastic about the village web to facilitate archiving in terms of correspondence and population data archiving. The results of the evaluation are the lack of basic population input data so that the use of the village web cannot be maximized.</p> eko, Sugianto, Erly Ekayanti Rosyida, Pipit Sari Puspitorini, AH. Hasan Bashori, Fera Yuliana Copyright (c) 2023 IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/2487 Sun, 30 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400 COUNSELING ON TAX UNDERSTANDING AND ITS PROFITS FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEss) UNDER THE GUIDELINES OF DMI GRESIK IN GRESIK REGENCY https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/2819 <p>The purpose of this community service is to solve the problems found in MSMEs Partners assisted by DMI Gresik Regency, namely an understanding of tax objects and tax subjects, an understanding of the basic principles of MSMEs Final PPh, and an understanding of tax reporting. Related to this, a solution is provided by providing an understanding of taxation in DMI-assisted MSMEs in Gresik Regency The counseling method is carried out by the lecture method and the practice of direct calculations. It is hoped that this training can help MSMEs actors in understanding taxation. The results of the dedication carried out: (1) MSMEs&nbsp; partners can understand the difference between tax objects and tax subjects (2) MSMEs partners can calculate MSMEs Final Income Tax (3) MSMEs partners can report tax returns. Thus it will encourage a sustainable national economy.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Nur Fajdrih Asyik, Maswar Patuh Priyadi, Triyonowati Triyonowati, Wimba Respatia, Yahya Yahya Copyright (c) 2023 IJCDE (Indonesian Journal of Community Diversity and Engagement) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/2819 Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400