Pengaruh Keputusan Investasi, Struktur Modal, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Food and Beverage Tahun 2017-2021
Investment Decision, Capital Structure, Firm Size, Firm Value.Abstract
In the era of globalization, the business world is growing. The emergence of various companies, from small to large, is a common phenomenon. Due to this phenomenon, competition between companies is becoming increasingly fierce, to win this business competition, companies focus on directed business goals to maximize company value. This study aims to find out and explain whether investment decisions, capital structure, and firm size either partially or simultaneously affect the value of companies in the food and beverage sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021 and to find out what factors affect the firm value of the three factors studied. This study uses 14 samples of companies from 2017 to 2021. The data source is secondary data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression models and data processing using the SPSS 25 program. The results showed that investment decisions and capital structure had a significant effect on firm value while firm size had no effect, but simultaneously investment decisions, capital structure, and firm size had an effect on the firm value.
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