The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Firm Value With Profitability as Moderating
Good Corporate Governance, Profitability, Firm ValueAbstract
Corporate sustainability is a significant concern in a business. The sustainability of a company can be reflected in the value of the company The worth of the firm increases as the price of the shares rises Information on high stock prices can provide a guarantee or picture to the public that the company is performing well. To maintain good judgment, companies must implement good corporate governance in their business activities. This form of study is quantitative, whereas quantitative research involves systematic examinations of a phenomenon by gathering data that can be assessed using mathematics, statistics, and computing. Path analysis is used to assess this study's structural equation modelling (SEM) data. It is clear from the findings and debate that managerial and institutional ownership, two measures of corporate governance, do not have a direct impact on business value. Good corporate governance directly impacts the value of the company, with profitability measured by the return on equity.
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