Usulan Tata Letak Penempatan Spare Part Dengan Metode Dedicate Storage dan Fast Moving, Slow Moving, dan Non Moving
Gudang, Turn Over Ratio, FSN Analysis, Dedicate StorageAbstract
PT Sumber Segara Primadaya (S2P) is a steam power plant (PLTU) company that supplies electrical energy for Java and Bali. In its business process, the power plant relies on many generating machines and spare parts to support their operation. However, the large number of spare part types has led to several obstacles in the existing warehouse management at PT Sumber Segara Primadaya. One major challenge is the current placement of spare parts, which is still based on their types. To address this issue, the dedicate storage method can be employed to optimize the layout of spare parts in the warehouse. This method involves placing spare parts based on their Turn Over Ratio (TOR). After determining the movement ratio of each part, the next step is to group the parts into categories: fast-moving, slow-moving, and non-moving. The research resulted in a proposed layout for the placement of spare parts in warehouse 2 of PT Sumber Segara Primadaya. This layout achieved a significant reduction in the total displacement distance, amounting to 1119.6 meters. By implementing this optimized arrangement, the company can enhance its warehouse management efficiency and ensure a smoother supply of spare parts for their power plant's operation.
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