Jurnal Produktiva https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva <p>Produktiva merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang ditujukan untuk pengembangan keilmuan bidang teknik industri. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Majapahit. Publikasi dalam jurnal ilmiah ini merupakan hasil penelitian atau kajian teori dari mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti dan praktisi. Pengelola jurnal (editor) menerima artikel yang memuat hasil penelitian, lliterature review, atau kegiatan review yang berkaitan erat dengan bidang teknik industri. Jurnal Produktiva terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.</p> en-US jurnal_produktiva@unim.ac.id (Jurnal Produktiva ) jurnal_produktiva@unim.ac.id (Rakhmad Wahyudi, ST, MT ) Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:32:07 -0500 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 ANALISIS POSTUR KERJA MANUAL MENGGUNAKAN METODE REBA DAN 3D SSPP https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3541 <p>Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are common risks, especially in jobs involving manual material handling in the manufacturing industry. Improper working posture can reduce worker performance and increase the risk of long-term injury. This study examines the risk of complaints in paper-shredding work using the Nordic Body Maps (NBM) method to evaluate complaints and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method to assess work posture. The purpose of this study was to identify the level of risk of complaints using NBM and evaluate the risk of work posture with REBA. This study uses a quantitative approach by collecting data through direct observation of paper-shredding activities and also additional data from literature and company documents. This study was conducted at PT XYZ from February 2024 until the completion of the thesis. The results of the NBM questionnaire showed that there were frequent complaints in the back, upper arms, waist, wrists, hands, ankles, and feet. A REBA score of 12 indicates a very high risk so that posture improvement is needed. Analysis using 3D SSPP showed that compression in the lumbar spine was approaching the safe limit, indicating the risk of back injury if this task is continued, and the high percentage of force in the shoulders and wrists indicated the potential for muscle fatigue and musculoskeletal injury.</p> Renaldi Renaldi Prasetyo Utomo, Mohammad Muslimin, Imaduddin Bahtiar Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Produktiva https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3541 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Analisis Kecelakaan Kerja Bidang Transportasi (Studi Kasus: Kereta Coromandal Express dan Howrah Express Di India) https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3436 <p>Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an effort to ensure and prevent workplace accidents. Lack of OSH implementation in the workplace can pose risks, such as in the transportation sector, exemplified by the train accident in Balasore, Odisha on June 2, 2023. The aim of this research is to identify potential accident hazards and the measures taken to reduce accident risks. The method used is descriptive qualitative research, which provides a clear depiction of a situation without applying treatments to the objects studied.</p> <p>The results of the study indicate that the primary cause of the accident was the malfunctioning interlocking system, which led to the Coromandel Express deviating from the main track and entering a circular track. To address these hazards, preventive measures such as the Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) are proposed. TCAS is an anti-collision system that automatically activates the brakes to prevent collisions between two locomotives. Additionally, other potential hazards include the failure of the interlocking system, which should have a fail-safe mechanism to prevent accidents. Preventive efforts require thorough analysis and the development of adaptive systems during runtime, especially in safety-critical systems.</p> <p>Regarding human error factors, prevention can be achieved through several measures. Before departure, locomotive drivers should undergo medical check-ups and small assessments at each stopping station. Operators should receive regular treatment to alleviate boredom and concentration lapses while controlling train operations. Besides treatment, it is also necessary to have a companion to maintain awareness and ensure that operators perform their duties effectively in safeguarding the safety of train journeys.</p> Imaduddin Bahtiar Efendi, Erly Ekayanti Rosyida, Emma Budi Sulistiarini, Achmad Dani Affandi, M. Alfan Syarif Romadhoni, Silvi Agustina Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Produktiva https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3436 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Ketahanan Rantai Pasok Pangan dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim dengan Menggunakan Sistem Dinamik https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3532 <p>The uncertainty of climate change poses a serious threat to the resilience of the global food supply chain, especially in the production and stability of rice prices. Extreme weather phenomena such as El Nino and La Nina not only affect production, but also threaten the availability and access of food for the community. This study aims to identify factors that affect the resilience of the food supply chain and develop a model using a dynamic system approach. This approach was chosen because of its ability to analyze the complexity of the food supply chain system through causal relationships and interactions between its components temporally. The developed model shows that the resilience of the rice supply chain is determined by the complex interactions of various variables and sub-variables. The availability of rice, as the main indicator, is directly influenced by two factors: rice production and population. Rice production itself depends on rice productivity and the area of ??available harvest land. Threats to rice availability mainly come from the risk of crop failure caused by various factors such as water shortages, pest attacks, and plant diseases. These factors are very crucial because they can significantly reduce rice production and threaten overall food security.</p> Rogo Cahyono, Pipit Sari Puspitorini, Imaduddin Bahtiar Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Produktiva https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3532 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Evaluasi Kelancaran Proses Produksi untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas di Perusahaan Mebel CV. XYZ https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3533 <p>The smoothness of a production process depends on increasingly advanced technology that has an impact on time and labor, therefore, companies need to make adjustments to technological developments to support company performance. This study aims to analyze the smoothness of production that affects machine maintenance, The study was conducted at CV.XYZ located in Gresik Regency, In this study, data on the smoothness of the production process was collected from 2021, 2022, and 2023 using the Probability Method with the formula for the smoothness of the production process, With the results of data for 2021 77%, 2022 82%, and 2023 73%, At the level of smoothness of the production process at CV. XYZ is included in the criteria for less smooth. It can be seen from the data on the smoothness of the production process of CV. XYZ where the percentage level of smoothness in achieving business production is still in the range of 73% -82%. The production process is said to be smooth if the company is able to achieve 100% smoothness. So it can be concluded for CV. XYZ should create a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the implementation of machine maintenance activities in order to have guidelines and references in carrying out these activities, minimizing errors that occur in the implementation of machine maintenance. Further improving the maintenance schedule on each machine used, it is recommended to carry out maintenance every month regularly and routinely so that the production process will run smoothly and meet the targets that have been set and so that the smoothness of the production process runs smoothly and can meet the targets that have been set by CV. XYZ, it is necessary to carry out periodic machine maintenance and carry out special handling by carrying out light or major services that are carried out regularly and routinely.</p> Faris Reyhan Al Afif, Mohammad Muslimin, Rakhmad Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Produktiva https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3533 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Implementasi Dmaic Untuk Minimasi Spoilage Mesin Coating Di Perusahaan Manufaktur Kaleng PT. XYZ https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3543 <p>This study implements the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) method to reduce spoilage in coating machines at PT XYZ, addressing material losses and production inefficiency. The method systematically identifies and resolves issues, starting with defining the spoilage problems and setting improvement goals. In the measure stage, spoilage data is collected, yielding a sigma value of 3.54 ?, with a Pareto analysis revealing that 7.05% of spoilage results from wicket abrasion/wicket mark defects. The analyze stage employs a fishbone diagram and FMEA to uncover root causes, such as troubleshooting skills and the condition of the wicket and its chain. The improve stage implements solutions, while the control stage ensures ongoing monitoring and adherence to new SOPs. Post-implementation, the sigma value improved to 3.84 ?, demonstrating the effectiveness of the DMAIC method in minimizing spoilage and its applicability to other manufacturing processes.</p> Mohammad Zain Alvian, Mohammad Muslimin, Imaduddin Bahtiar Efendi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Produktiva https://ejurnal.unim.ac.id/index.php/produktiva/article/view/3543 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500