perubahan sosial dan pendidikan islam
social changes, islamic educationAbstract
Islamic education has a role in shaping the islamic personality of learners to be able to live in a technological development that changes many social behavior. Social change in society is certainly a challenge for educators in delivering materials and nurturing the generations of epochs where technological growth is increasingly sophisticated. Analyzing and examining the causes of social change in society and proper education in Islam can provide insight and reference to islamic religious education in particular. The method used in writing this paper is the approach to library research, which is the approach to literature by studying relevant books, journals, and resources. As for data analysis using a descriptive analysis of the data that has been accessed by the way of reposing data, the presentation of data and the conclusion. The results of this study suggest that the concept of islamic education that developed in the world of islamic education is sufficient to be a reference to the practice of education. One of them is the conception of a family education of the islamic perspective, which is that education needs to be started from educating prospective parents (prenupmarriage) as the first place of each new child's education, then the child's education in his ward, and education in the days of Rosulullah Muhammad SAW.
Keyword : Islamic Education, education curriculum, Spirituallity, Social Changes,
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