Analisis Down Time Mesin Injection Terhadap Efektivitas Kapasitas Produksi di PT.Panca Prima Putra
Analisis down time, mesin injection, efisiensiAbstract
To increase productivity and maintain quality is the focus of the manufacturing
industry. PT. PANCA PRIMA PUTRA has implemented total productive maintenance,
it is hoped that the industry will be able to maintain and improve the performance of
the machine to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. In this research, the author
discusses the effectiveness of injection machine performance because the packaging
industry has increased quite a bit lately. In order to support this, it is important to
have an analysis to support these activities by conducting analytical tests on several
injection machines with the OEE Method to analyze what percentage of the
effectiveness of the machine to support the production process combined with several
methods such as cause and effect diagrams.
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