About the Journal


Focus and Scope

Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya covers the fields of language, literature and teaching. Journal matapena published every June and December. The manuscript contained in the journal is derived from the results of research and critical studies of linguistics include: phonology; morphology; syntax, discourse, psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics; ethnolinguistics; semiotics; literature includes: the sociology of literature; literature psychology; education and learning.

Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya is published by the Indonesian language and literature education program Majapahit Islamic University. Published every June and December each year.

Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya of Sciences contains scientific studies of Indonesian teaching, language, and literature, Learning innovations, in the form of: 1) Research results, 2) conceptual ideas, 3) Library study, and practical experience .

The editors invite academics, lecturers, and researchers to contribute in this journal. Editors invite academics, lecturers, and researchers to contribute to include scientific articles that have never been published by other journals.  Editors can make changes to the posts that are loaded for uniform format, without altering the substance. Language used in the form of Indonesian, and English.

This journal is openly accessible which means that all available content is freely accessible at no charge, either to the user or to his or her agency. Users who are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or submit to the full text of the article should not seek permission from publishers or authors first.

Editor's Address: Jl. Jabon Km 0.7 Mojokerto Tel / Fax. (0321) 399474 Mojokerto, Email: jurnalmatapena@gmail.com. This e-journal is an online version of the Matapena print edition published by the Indonesian language and literature education program Majapahit Islamic University.

Online ISSN: 2621-9042. Print ISSN: 2621-9050

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