Peran Kepuasan Memediasi Pengaruh Brand Image terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen pada Bank BRI Cabang Gresik


  • Umar Burhan Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Gresik
  • Muhammad Rosyihuddin Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Gresik



Brand Image, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty


At the point when the quantity of grievances expands, one of the sides that drives this examination is the length of the client line process. Expanding the quantity of objections will cause disappointment and a deficiency of client steadfastness. The point of this exploration is to assess customer devotion as the reliant variable of brand picture, which is the free factor, and fulfillment, which is the interceding variable. One more point of this exploration is to decide the amount of direct impact brand image and fulfillment possess on purchaser dependability, as well as how much circuitous impact brand picture has on faithfulness through fulfillment. This exploration was planned utilizing a quantitative technique approach, 99 respondents participated in this quantitative-based writing project, which had its object at the Gresik branch of Bank BRI.

From the in general factual test yield completed with the SEM SmartPLS form 3.0 application, brand picture fundamentally affects purchaser fulfillment and devotion, and fulfillment likewise altogether affects buyer dedication. Brand picture significantly affects dedication through fulfillment as a go-between factor. This shows that customers consider a decent brand picture and fulfillment, which will make a reliable demeanor.


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