Optimasi Limbah Produk Pertanian Menjadi Biobriket Menggunakan Strategi Business Model Canvas (BMC)
Corn Cobs, Young Coconut Shells, Bamboo, Biobriquettes, FarmersAbstract
This study aims to develop products and utilize corn cob waste, Young Coconut Shells and Bamboo into Biobriquettes to increase additional income for farmers. The method used is Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis consisting of Customer Segments (CS), Value Proposition (VP), Customer Relationship (CR), Channels (Ch), Revenue Streams (RS), Key Activities (KA), Key Resources (KR), Costs (Cs), Key Partnership (KP).
Based on the IE Analysis, it was found that from the EFE Matrix with a total value of 3.04 and the IFE matrix with a total value of 3.79, if drawn / plotted using the IE matrix, the position of the Punggul Village Charcoal Briquettes is in quadrant 1, namely Growth and Build, which means that the Briquette products of Punggul Village, Dlanggu District are growing and developing. So that in the future, marketing strategies and product development will be developed intensively and integrated. Of course, this is an opportunity for me as a student who is conducting research to utilize corn cob waste into products with sales value, namely briquettes.
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