Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Fashion Shop Berbasis Web di Smile Distro
Ergonomi, Nordic Body Map (NBM), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)Abstract
The Advances in information technology can facilitate all human activities. One of the information technology is a website. Smile Distro shop is a shop that sells various types of clothing from other parties' bran. This clothing store still applies conventional sales where every order made by the buyer must come to the store to make a purchase. In addition, data recording is still done manually, both order data, transactions, and product availability stock, so it is still very inconvenient if employees are in crowded conditions. The researcher offers a website-based information system with WordPress supported by a development method, namely SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) which is connected online on the internet so that it can be accessed by anyone and anywhere. With this research, it is hoped that the store website that will be made by researchers will make it easier for store owners to process data and orders, as well as help make it easier for customers to make purchases without visiting the store, as well as store owners to increase store product sales at Smile Distro stores.
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