Generic Strategy Pada UMKM Warkop Angkringan Free Wifi Di Kabupaten Mojokerto Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19


  • M. Syamsul Hidayat Prodi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi UNIM
  • Kasnowo Prodi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Majapahit Mojokerto
  • Tatas Ridho Nugroho Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Majapahit Mojokerto


Generic Strategy, Visitors, UMKM, Free Wifi


The purpose of this research is to analyze the selection of Generic Strategy by the owner of the Angkringan Coffee Shop (free wifi) in Mojokerto Regency during the Covid 19 pandemic so that their business can survive and be sustainable. This research is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach in the form of a Focus Group Discussion. The number of samples of this study were 15 people based on certain considerations. The data collection technique was carried out by using open-ended interviews in order to obtain complete information from the participants. The data analysis used descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the generic strategy in free wifi angkringan warkop during the Covid 19 pandemic was a differentiation strategy and a cost reduction strategy.


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